“We can achieve anything in life with self-belief, determination and resilience. Love yourself.” - Andrea
Love Yourself(ie), Life Lessons for Building Kid Charisma™

"Love Yourself(ie), Life Lessons for Building Kid Charisma" is a book to help preteens, ages 9 to 13, prevent social media use from deflating self-worth. Although navigating friendships, belonging, self-image and bullying has long been part of growing up, social media today makes the experience public – and it is leaving preteens feeling left out and insecure. Love Yourself(ie) is a fictional story about a young girl, named Harper, who learns to use self-acceptance to filter social media and manage peer pressure and competition. With a focus on teaching what we think of ourselves matters most and ‘how’ to use self-acceptance to keep others from influencing bad feelings and behaviors, Love Yourself(ie) is a highly relatable story kids see themselves in, with a practical perspective and advice they can use to understand what they’re feeling and become more confident and true to themselves – on social media and in life.
How we embrace the joys and challenges of life often depends on our beliefs and character strength. Inspired by the wisdoms of people from all walks of life, the @lifelessons4kidcharisma Photography Collection is a digital gallery of images, through the lens of photographer Michael Bullard, of everyday people and the wisdom they offer younger generations – to inspire more kids to know they can achieve anything with self-love, determination and resilience.
Enjoy, save, share and tag (@lifelessons4kidcharisma) these photos, joining a social movement of people who want the best for kids
Everyday people inspiring character strength in kids
@lifelessons4kidcharisma Photography Collection